January 13, 2025

An estimated 300,000 Arizona residents currently own a medical marijuana card. That means they’re eligible to buy, own, and travel with medical cannabis. That doesn’t mean that they’re able to do anything they’d like with the plant, though.

For instance, it’s still not acceptable (or legal) to smoke in public. It is legal, in some cases, to grow your own marijuana plants, though.

These laws are all novel and a bit confusing. If you need help navigating the law around medical marijuana in Arizona, then you’re in the right spot. Read on to learn the top three things you should know about the notorious weed plant in Arizona.

  1. All Medical Marijuana Cardholders Can Own It

Before medical marijuana laws got passed in Arizona, citizens couldn’t own it. They couldn’t get caught with a seed, stem, leaf, or any part of the marijuana plant. Getting caught owning any of those would result in criminal charges.

Now, residents can own marijuana if they can produce a medical marijuana card. To qualify for this card, you must have a qualifying condition like:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Glaucoma
  • Persistent nausea
  • PTSD
  • Seizures

You’ll need to visit your doctor to get your card. Once you have, it will be legal for you to own up to 2 and 1/2 ounces. It’s best to get your medical marijuana from a trusted clinic like Harvest HOC.

  1. Only Arizona Residents Can Buy It

Becoming a medical marijuana state has its benefits and consequences. Some states have allowed marijuana tourism, but Arizona isn’t one of them.

If you want to buy medical marijuana in Arizona, then you must be a resident. That means you can’t buy from a dispensary unless you’ve been living in the state for at least 30 days.

Despite that, Arizona does recognize other state’s medical marijuana cards. That means you can own marijuana you purchased at home.

  1. Certain Arizona Residents Can Grow It

Many states are making moves to decriminalize marijuana or CBD. One thing that makes Arizona unique, though, is that it allows select residents to grow it.

So, who can grow marijuana plants? By law, residents that live more than 25 miles away from a state-licensed dispensary.

These citizens can’t grow more than 12 plants at once, though. They also need to keep their plants in an enclosed and locked facility.

Medical Marijuana in Arizona: Now You Know

Medical marijuana in Arizona is finally legal! Or, is it? While laws in the state allow the substance, they are in contradiction with federal law. The federal government still sees marijuana plants with high THC levels as illegal.

You aren’t the only one confused by this complicated patchwork of marijuana laws. The good news is that you shouldn’t get penalized if you'[re smoking in private per state law.

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