January 13, 2025

One of the many reasons CBD has become so popular is that many swear that it has an almost overwhelming array of uses. Many things have the potential to be addressed by CBD, including, potentially, sleep problems. Indeed, many have begun to ask whether or not CBD capsules are a good alternative to sleeping pills.

Problems with Sleep Medication

Millions of Americans take medication designed to help them sleep better. These pills can be useful for their stated goals but can cause other problems, including:

  • Addiction & dependency: Unfortunately, the addictive properties of sleeping pills are well known. If taken over the long term, your brain can become dependent on these pills and require them to sleep. This can make getting off of them extremely difficult. Furthermore, many of these pills are benzodiazepine. These are extremely addictive and can be ripe for abuse when not taken with appropriate caution or supervision. 
  • Side Effects: Sleeping pills are also known to have many potential side effects. These include impairment, strange dreams, headaches, upset stomach, shaking, or more. Thankfully, most people who take these pills do not experience such severe problems, but they are real and need to be monitored.
  • Dangerous interactions: It depends on which pills you take, but it is worth noting that some sleeping pills are known to have dangerous interactions with other medication or alcohol. 

CBD for Sleep

While more research is needed, initial studies have noted that there may be some benefits to using CBD to help sleep better. For example, studies have found that:

  • CBD may increase the duration of sleep compared to a low dose of sleeping pills.
  • CBD can reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that can keep people away.
  • CBD may be able to reduce daytime grogginess.
  • CBD can reduce symptoms of REM Behavioral Disorder, a common sleep disorder suffered by people who have Parkinson’s Disease. 

Like the Sleep Foundation, larger organizations have noted that evidence supports the idea that CBD can potentially help reduce someone’s sleeping issues.

CBD Vs. Sleeping Pills & Melatonin

An alternative to sleeping pills is melatonin, a hormone produced by your body and tied to many functions, including getting a better night’s sleep. Some evidence suggests that people who take melatonin may sleep better. 

One thing seems to be clear: CBD, sleeping pills, and Melatonin all work differently, producing different outcomes. Sleeping pills seem to work to calm your brain and slow your mind, whereas CBD can help to reduce stress, pain, depression, and anxiety, with an ancillary benefit being that it will help you sleep better.

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do is consult with your doctor or a sleep professional. They will help you identify what is potentially causing your sleeping issue and make recommendations about how to treat it. It is possible that CBD can help you sleep better, but you should always decide whether or not to take CBD in conjunction with a medical professional.