Gambling is not a modern day phenomenon; in fact historians have discovered evidence of gambling games that date back to Ancient civilizations. Whether legal or illegal at the time, the popularity of gambling has always been present throughout history.
Modern Times
Modern gambling has taken the popularity of this pastime to new heights and this is mostly because of the technology available that has made gambling accessible to the masses. All that is needed now is a computer or mobile device and an internet connection. This allows access to a huge choice of gambling games at King Casino and all can be played anonymously and from the comfort of your own home, or on the go, thanks to mobile casinos. More and more people are gambling on casino sites whilst commuting to work or waiting for public transport, or even whilst on their lunch breaks whilst at work. Traditional gambling such as sports betting and table game betting is still popular, but all have been swamped by the thirst for slot games.
Slots Rule
Slots became a major player in the gambling stakes from 1996 onwards, thanks to the invention of the first video slot. Now slots are the main event and the most popular form of gambling out there. This has been backed up by recent research undertaken by the UK Gambling Commission. They discovered that most revenue from gambling was generated from online slots. Interestingly, the research also discovered that more women were gambling and their game of choice was also slots instead of bingo.
Keeping Things Fun
Gambling is a form of entertainment and slots have become hugely entertaining and more so now than ever before. They are fast paced and many come armed with tempting jackpots so it is not surprising to discover that gambling addiction and in particular, slot addiction, has rapidly increased in society too. This is why advertising slogans such as ‘When the fun stops, stop’ have been launched.
The Road To Addiction
It is thought that when you gamble your body releases adrenaline and dopamine floods the brain. Apart from these chemical factors, environmental influences can also lead to addiction. These include stress, depression and bereavement. All these conditions combined, create emotional problems and people can turn to gambling for a quick fix to hide from them. This form of escapism only offers temporary relief and the need for the buzz to be repeated again and again creates compulsive behavioral patterns. Signs that you are getting addicted to online slot machines vary with each individual. However, common factors include the need to gamble with increasing amounts of money to get a rush. Lying to conceal the fact that you are gambling. Continuing to gamble even when you lose and spending hours online playing slot games, instead of completing chores or working are also other common warning signs.
Road To Recovery
Gambling addicts are not alone you can take the first steps to recovery by using responsible gambling tools or Gamstop, this blocks all gambling site access from your IP address. Charities such as Gamble Aware offer help too.